hello folks, it's only a few weeks after the new academic year began, and we already have tons of homeworks and quizzes to do. yeah, we used to have only 3 assignments the most, but now the school are making a new standard for all classes : 5 assignments per day. it's torturing, and we still don't know what are they expecting from giving so lots of works. anyway, i had a story to tell. so yesterday while we were having the maths class, my teacher notices that i'm wearing a piercing. then she told me that she's gonna tell to my mom and ask me to put off my earrings because it's against school's rules. okay, you're gonne hell tell my mom and bring me to the store to take off my earring. however after the sports session ends, the coach calls me.
coach : hey, you're wearing an earring? where is it?
me : yeah.
coach : why don't you wear it like most of girls usualy did? i mean, in the right place.. (it's because my earring is located on the upper of me ear, so)
me : i'm alergic. and by the way, i never remembered having a rule written in the "rulebook" that the student's aren't allowed to wear earrings in some certain places. it's earring.
coach : .........
we really don't have any rules about wearing piercingsand once, my english teacher said that before he enters bs he's used to wear bracelets and necklaces because somehow, it did comforts him and makes him feels confident. so do i. i don't think one or two accessories would make a school's name or prestation be dropped. a good school is a good school. a weird school is a weird school. bs is one great example of super-extraordinary-retarded school. students aren't allowed to do bad things and screwing things in the school location, i knew. but wearing accessories is not disturbing. the students pay, the students do whatever they want as long as it doesn't drop the school's title. i really hope the school principal, the student head would read my beautiful and meaningful blog. it's better than reading the school rules. well, anyhow. i like someone. not his girlfriend and he doesn't even now i liked him actually, but we are pretty close. sometimes he calls me and we talk about many interesting things to share, and he's totally cool. nope, he's not too handsome, not too smart and not too popular.. but i think he's attractive, he's kind to all people and i know he's a good person. oh well, let's see how it works but so far, i don't see any sense of love in him, or i'm just too careless? in many ways, actually :)