i miss you..
they say that this feeling won't last long, as usual. how could they know? they did not even know these days have been pretty hard for me, and it was SEVERE. it hurts a lot to know that we have no mutual contact for such a long period. and it makes me sad, really.
i still have not figure any reason out for you to keep a distance from me, not a single one. and i do not remember making any enough fatal mistake to cause problems or hard feelings on us. i guess.
all i did was making THE BEST to comfort you.
and i hope that i did comfort you.
but i guess i failed. we are no longer in touch even though sometimes i hardly tried to find you everywhere. i really wish that someday you will try to contact me even just for once. and well. it is not my wish anymore.
two weeks ahead will be my last day of being fourteen, and i hope someone will bring you on my birthday party for a present. and that would be my best birthday present EVER!
i admit that i was acting like a dumb. i do not want any camera or any iPhone. i just want to hear your laughter like i used to hear. your BLENDER laugh. oh yes, it does not blend only fruits or creams. it blends my feeling.
i want to turn back the time. when we are still as close as a couple, more than friends but not less than. the time when you gave your best and warmest hug i ever felt in my life.
once again..
i miss you.
and remember, i will watch over you. you will be save.