I'm freeeeeeeeee akhirnya uas selsai! hehe trims God for Your guidance through this week, i have done all of my tests well :D so this is the review :
first day :
- Science : mati gw, susah banget. kalo biology sih gw masih bisa karena afalan, tapi physics nya yauda lah pasra aja =_=
second day :
- English : upil, gampang. reading nya tinggal cari di text/ picture, tp grammar nya ada 1 bagian dari 7 yang gw kurang bisa sih.
- Social Studies : the essay part was not so hard, but the multiple choice. bbhuuuhhhhhhhh
third day :
- Religion : uber-ridiculous, really. kyknya emg sir filip ga niat bikin soall =___=" PG nya aja jawabannya A semua, and when i questioned him oh are you sure, sir he said that it was to make it easier for him to check yaelaaah. terus essay nya ada 2 nomer yang mirip2, 1 nomer pake logika, sisanya liat di alkitabbb. ahahah!
- Indonesian : not as hard as i thought, biasanya susah banget sih soalnya. heheheehehehehe
fourth day :
- PKN : no comment
- Maths : lumayan hehehe :D gw cuman gabisa aljabarnya doang, kalo yang laen sih bisalah hehe
today :
- Computer : i dont study at all for this lesson. really, soalnya catetan gw pada ilang semua
- Zhongwen : sorry sok-sokan banget zhongwen zhongwen, ahahah, mandarin maksudnya, inisih gampil hihihi yang bikin huang laoshi sih jadi jawaban part 1 ada di part 2, jawaban part 2 uda ada catetan kosakatanya. ahahah, i did it only for 30 minutes but after then i just dont know what to do -__- yaudah deh gambar-gambar terus ngobrol ama baby franky & stephanie :)
so on monday, tuesday, and wednesday i will have the days off :D tp gw gatau sih mo kemana, jalan ama temen males anak2 kelas gw pada ga seru semua. you know, they seems to have their own groupies and when it comes to another topics they dont used to talk langsung mukanya ga enak gitu, aduh malesin bangett deh. angkatan gw yang gw ngobrol sehari2 ya paling cuma chelsea gaby gitu2, wah kalo ga ada mereka i'll be freezed to death. cowok2nya masih asik sih, yang tongkrongan gw dulu itu.
gw lagi berpikir buat seterusnya lebih banyak nulis pake indo aja, soalnya pada protes sih katanya mikir dulu kalo baca blog gw. yaudalah, as you wish guys. anyhow, i am really really in a good mood now. not only because the test is over, but because there will be so many activities ahead like class party, class meeting, christmas celebration etc where i can be free to talk to him :D
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