Karna gw males pake inggris jadi pake indo aja ya hahaha. Orang2 sekarang tuh aneh. semua dibilang antichrist, barcodes dibilang 666, simbol peace dibilang salib yang dipatahin, tanda sebelum & sesudah doa catholic dbilang salib kebalik. celebrities2 kyk gaga, beyonce, usher etc dituduh illuminati, lady gaga dibilang satanic gara2 di lagu nya dia yg bad romance pertama nya ada "ra ra rah ah ah ah, roma roma ma" katanya "ra" nya maksudnya sun god, terus gara2 dia, hayley williams, jay-z dll juga constantly hiding one of their eyes at their pictures. this is the so called all-seeing-eye.
so i will take a statement from the controversial article i googled. sorry if i was revolving around gaga only, soalnya dia punya yg paling heboh hahaha. and so so sorry for not putting the main picture, there was an error occured while uploading :(
"Gaga is standing between both pillars, wearing Hello Kitty shoes, occultly referring to mind control programming (innocence, childhood, re-education, etc). Her eyes are closed but she has wide-open eyes painted on her eyelids, which is very symbolic: her eyes seem open but they are still wide shut."
The article said gaga's picture refers to the two pillars of jachim and boaz, depicted in a great number of masonic works of arts. so what with the masonic symbology and so what with the god damn HELLO KITTY? does masonic symbol means something bad? what if they were religious symbols? i don't think all celebrities should be an open book. do you have a problem with her just because she has a different outlook from you? don't you think if the illuminati exists they will be aware of what people arguing about them, then come bashing down your doors and eat your brains? she is not stupid btw. it is fun playing with ancient symbology and i think she wouldn't even know where to start in becoming a satan-worshipper.. i doubt she has the time to execute a hidden agenda at the same time designing, write musics, becoming a creative director, nevermind all the interviews with her fans. lady gaga has recently met the queen of england and some people said she was using a red dress that refers to the red queen from alice in wonderland that is masonic so they spread the rumours that the queen is the mother of illuminati. so not ethical.
Nah, this is baphomet, it appears as a figure of satanism.
Lady gaga had once rolled her hair up and looked like a bull's head, then some sheeple questioned it as "is it a baphomet's head on her head?" (as a lot of you may know she likes doing her hair like a ribbon etc), then the picture above itu katanya pose nya looks like baphomet. tp gw ga percaya lah. lady gaga enjoys any kind of fame so she puts any kind of symbols in her videos. she will get more attention no matter if she believes in the crap or not. more and more people became more obsessed with this devil or satanic idea, so you are the one who believed in satans kan? :p if you aren't suitable to the whole demonic things then why do you care? it's like you're being brainwashed to have you thinking about it constantly and it gives her more attention. if you like the dance/electropop thing so just listen to her songs and you will be fascinated no matter how bad the rumour sticks to her, what matters is how you could say she is talented after seeing her playing all the melody on her piano at the stages. she is not a male by the way. she have two genitals, just a little bit penis but she considers herself as a female because it doesn't affect anything to her. and if she does believe in all the demonic minds does it affect her performances, her attitudes? no it doesn't, she even bought her fans pizza while they were lining up to buy her CDs, so i'm so sure you don't need any enlightenment haha, i want a slice of pizza from gaga too :)
eh sori jadi campur2 pake english keterusan hahaha.
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