Sometimes i loved being someone random.
kayak blakangan ini, gw lagi seneng2 ngobrol sama someone terus tiba2 gw marah sendiri.. asik banget. it's like no one would ever read your mind, that's basically what i'm trying to do right then. cuma sugesti, tapi emang kadang pikiran kebaca itu yang bkin kita susah. being persuaded over someone's mind, being used for their own advantages. let me give you some tips to avoid your mind being read!
1. don't be too honest, don't lie either. say only what you need to talk.
2. in case you are in a private discussion and you are freezed to death, keep looking someone straight to their eyes even if you are in a state of anxiety. this will boost you up.
3. divert your conversation if you think someone is trying to reveal something. if he or she keeps on insisting you, tell them that you won't speak any further and pretend to be mad :p
4. don't you ever trust a person who says "trust me". they are totally lying.
well thats all i did and it works so far. don't blame me if it doesn't works on you hahaha.
Baru post ke brapa belas ya? sayang bgt deh mesti ngulang, abis yg lama udah jelek banget. i'm a perfectionist loh, liat blog lama gw yg post nya ada yg aneh dikit aja lgsg gw edit. trus skarang bikin yg baru deh, padahal yg lama udah 100an. pengen buru2 penuh blog nya. anyway a week to go and the school will return my blackberry :D was planning to sell it and buy the new one, since my gemini was being used by.. nevermind, pegel2 nih gara2 kemaren gw iseng2 celeb terus maen alat nya kebanyakan. besok gw ada janji lagi ama trainernya jem 3. tell me if any of you goes to the gym so gw ga sendirian disana kan bosen bgt.
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