Wednesday, 16 June 2010

A letter for you

Dear pompon,
most of people think they know me. well, they actually don't. i'm a differet person, the only place you could find when you need someone to accept whoever you are, is me. sigh, maybe most of you think i'm rebellious or such a virago, but i'm actually not. i'm just trying to show all of you that i'm tough, even if most of boys came and blessed me and the reason is where ever my existence stands there will be you who would show to everyone that i will turn my head to a good looking man with no brain or guts, you're just wrong. but thanks for being able to understand that i don't want you to look at me and sooner or later you'll regret loving me this much and by the way, i know you did cried alot, but you knew tears won't bring me back to you. so, i think this would be my very last time to say thing to you, i hope you're glad.

Breathens : naked lunch

So how do we start this one? ah, let's have some twitting time, lol. so all of you must know it was fifa fever and everyone supports their own favourite team. gw nulis di status fb gw kalo gw dukung portugal blah blah and suddenly one of my friend's band member left a comment that portugal didn't play well and a minute later he shared at his profile something like buat apa nonton bola ga penting and whatever. i disliked him, tiap kali gw online pasti dia sok2 speaks rude like i usually did and ngomong nya ga penting gitu caper. at first gw bodo amet, terus gw liat profile picture nya dia. if some of you doesn't know a web named, it was a free snapshot web which we can put some silly eyes or fangs in our pictures. i have one of them in my profile and dia juga ikutan make web itu buat edit foto nya yg super idiot looking and silly dork faced. well if that web are popular enough for everyone to open and used, gw masih maklum lah if someone else use the web to edit their photos. but in this case, seumur-umur gw ga pernah liat ada yg make getgrossedout. gw aja dikasitau temen gw. he copied my style TOO MUCH. males, jadinya skarang gw remove dari profile gw. gatau dah sadar apa ngga and please, delete your photo. by the way, i've made a plan with my friends. tomorrow we'd like to watch a-team and probably go for some window shopping. can't wait for tomorrow because i haven't gone anywhere for 2 days and it sucks. jeez, this is holiday and i'm staying at home like a shit. perhaps about 2 weeks more i'll be going to singapore to visit my sister and buy some stuffs that costs cheaper than indonesia usually sold. anyway, today my house are full of peoples. my little cousin and my bro's friend are staying at our house and since yesterday i haven't went out of my room aside from eating and taking a bath. so i prefer sleeping and do some work out in my room instead of listening for those rumpus, gosh luckily my bro and his friend are going out to watch movie and eat. i wanna OUT too. anyhow, found this website about a week ago, this is totall

Finger exercise

Hey. haven't write anything for 3 days, i guess. so yesterday i went watching karate kid with my friends and eating sushi after the movie was over. actually the school held an event called student concert which art performances were shown infront of the public and so sorry, i did not attend because it was 30 mins left before the event was over when i was just about coming back.
anyway, loving someone.
i think i left something behind. i think i shouldn't have said i hate him besides.. i miss him. does he whispers something to you altough there are nobody around? does he let you tell your favourite parts when you've seen it a million times? does he remember to order your favourite juice before you arrived? does he always know how to make you forgive him? does he hold you tight while you're crying? does he passed by your house in the middle of a night just to make sure you're sleeping? oh, you should've know how it felt when it was only both of us inside the blanket. oh, you should've know how it felt when it was the time to say goodbye..
only you
udah 2 bulan ga ketemu. gw masih belom bisa lupa sama lu. gw masih simpen sms sama received call dari lu, foto sama tiket bioskop bareng lu. it seems like i still need all of them, gatau buat apa. you know, sometimes people said whether they could turn back the time or not. it was because love is all about timing. it will be too late if you did not say the right things at the right moment. there are many people surrounding you yg sayang bangettt sama lu. i know you're happy. gw sendirian, but at least i really tried to smile.
"how can i hate the person i love?"

Bad kids by Black lips

Bad kids all my friends are bad kids
product of no dad kids
kids like you and me
bad kids aint no college grad kids
livin life out on the skids
kids like you and me
in class we are a minority
got no respect for authority
and won't play well with others
and steal from all your mothers
they'll try to give us pills
oh wait give us all the pills
go cry mom I gotta go to court
dad won't pay his child support
well you gotta understand
we only do these things because all we are is
bad kids all my friends are bad kids
product of no dad kids
kids like you and me
bad kids aint no college grad kids
livin life out on the skids
kids like you and me
at home he throws a hissy fit
time out he doesn't give a shit
got drunk off all of grandmas schnaps
got caught tunnin from the cops
toilet paper on the yard
six f's on my report card
smoke cigs in the bathroom stall
spray paint penis on the wall
well you gotta understand
we only do these things because all we are is
bad kids all my friends are bad kids
product of no dad kids
kids like you and me
bad kids aint no college grad kids
livin life out on the skids
kids like you and me

Angels strenghten sirit

When god assigns your guadian angel, it's a match made in heaven. soft as a butterfly's wing grazing your cheek in the caress of an angel bringing you comfort. a friendly voice in the dark of night, the tentative rays of morning light, a host of butterflies high in flight, a rainbow extending far out of sight - all these miracles tell me these: angels really do exist. an angel is a friend on loan from heaven. each soft breeze is like the flutter of angel wings passing you by. they are god's reassurance that he is never very far away. through the eyes of faith, i see the work of angels daily orchestrating my life on behalf of our heavenly conductor. angels provide a heavenly view, a god - sent message from him to you. when we look with our hearts, not our eyes, we will see angels surrounding us at every moment. it doesn't matter if we can't see angels. our ability to feel their silent, supportive presence is a testament to our faith. i prayed for an angel to comfort me at night. i prayed for an angel to make the darkness bright. when the long night was over and the pain was all gone, i thanked god for the angel who kept me safe until dawn. angels change dusk to dawn. angels sing with the voice of a laughing child and listen with ears of a wise mother. angels can be as nurturing as a mother hen and as fierce as a father lion. like god, they embody the best of female and male qualities. an angel's wings are always large enough to shield the person they are sent to look after. angels don't fear the rain, snow, or stormy weather. they know their wings and their spirits are waterproof. may you always travel with the wind at your back, a star for a compass, and an angel on your shoulder. god's angels help us stay on a righteous path. sometimes it is only after a crisis has passed that we recognize that angels have been present all along. don't think you will find angels by looking heavenward. most of them are making a difference in the lives here on earth. angels don't look at the size of your purse nor measure your net worth. angels know you're precious by virtue of your birth. angels are living examples that it's size of your faith, not the size of your muscles, that determines your true strength. angels are like smart drivers. they know how to put the brakes on our impulsive behaviour. sometimes they muffle the sounds that distract us from goodness, and they always try to steer us in the right direction. when angels come, life's shadows leave. whether wide awake or sound asleep, your guardian angel is yours to keep!

You're just an imperfect person in a perfect pain

Okay, first. being an unsympathetic person is so hard. you know, sometimes people lived by their ways of making others happy, well i'm just not that type of person. for me, my happiness is the reason why i lived on earth right now. someone ever told me that we shall not let a person who loves us very much down. to date, gue muak denger kata2 itu. what's life if it's not lived? human life aren't just a dream, which we are not really awake. nuts, you're making yourself dead if this continues.